How Much Should I Charge For An Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

How Much Should I Charge for an Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

Finding the ideal cleaning charge for your Airbnb is crucial to keeping operating expenses and visitor expectations in check. The cleaning fee helps maintain the high standards required to keep your home in outstanding shape in addition to covering the expense of cleaning after every guest. This is how to figure out what your Airbnb's cleaning cost should be.

Understanding the Basics of Airbnb Cleaning Fees

The size and location of the property, the degree of cleaning necessary, and the services offered all affect how much Airbnb cleaning costs are. Airbnb hosts typically charge between $50 to $150 per stay, however larger properties or those in popular locations may charge more. For example, a larger property with numerous bedrooms may price $150 or more per stay, whereas a one-bedroom apartment would charge $50 to $100.

Factors to Consider When Setting Your Cleaning Fee

  1. Property Size and Type

    • The size of your property directly influences the cleaning fee. Logically, larger properties take more time and effort to clean, and therefore, a higher fee is called for. Moreover, special amenities within the property, like a pool or hot tub, require additional maintenance that must be factored into your fee. Services specializing in Airbnb cleaning — like Sparkly Maid Miami-ensure that even the biggest and most complex property is cleaned effectively with a minimum loss of time.

  2. Local Market Rates

    • Do some research to find out what similar properties in your area charge for cleaning fees. This will at least give you a benchmark to make sure that your fee is competitive but yet fair. Charging too much might deter guests, and charging too little means you'll be covering from your pocket.

  3. Cleaning Frequency and Standards

    • If your place has high turnover, then it requires more cleaning, thus requiring a higher fee. Assuring your property meets the enhanced cleaning requirement by Airbnb, especially post-pandemic, can also entail heavier cleaning and thus impact the fee​.

  4. Labor and Supply Costs

    • Whether you hire a professional cleaning service or do the cleaning yourself, add up how much labor costs, time spent, and cost of cleaning supplies. If you hire a service like Sparkly Maid Miami, make sure your fee will cover the cost of their professional cleaning service, which keeps up your property clean and fresh-looking.

  5. Wear and Tear

    • Wear and tear on your property will take their toll over time between regular cleanings and guest use. You may want to build in a small buffer into your cleaning fee so you can replace or fix things as needed.

Justifying Your Cleaning Fee to Guests

If you're going to charge a cleaning fee, it pays to be transparent about it. Clearly outline in your listing what that fee covers: deep cleaning, laundry services, and restocking essentials. That way, guests know the value they're getting and will cause fewer complaints. Emphasize that you use professional service like Sparkly Maid Miami to help justify this fee by showing the high level of cleanliness and care taken in preparing the property for each guest.

Lastly, if you have any enhanced cleaning protocols, especially in light of increased concerns about cleaning, be sure to mention those in your listing. Guests will be much more willing to accept a higher fee once they understand the value they're getting with a deep, thorough process of Airbnb cleaning.


Setting the right cleaning fee for your Airbnb involves a balance between your cost and the expectations from the market. By taking into consideration the size and type of your property, the rates of the local market, and the actual costs involved, you will be in a position to price your cleaning correctly to cover your costs while being fair to your guests. Using services like Sparkly Maid Miami, which specializes in Airbnb cleaning, will go a long way in helping maintain these high standards so that your property is guest-ready at any moment.


⁠How To Start An Airbnb Cleaning Business?


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