How Much Money is Considered Rich in Florida?

Florida is best known for its beaches, its sunny climate, and exciting cities like Miami. But what does it take to be rich in the Sunshine State? Let's find out more and see how much money one should earn, along with the cost of living, to fall into the definition of "rich" in the state of Florida.

How Much Money is Considered Rich in Florida?

Median Household Income in Florida

Median household income in Florida, based on U.S. Census Bureau data for 2022, is $61,777, meaning half of Florida's households took in more than that and half took in less. But, of course, median income can vary greatly from one county and city to another.

In Miami-Dade County, for example, the typical household income as of 2021 was $57,815 dollars. Although it is less than the state median, Miami has a higher cost of living than much of Florida, so this must be taken into account.

Cost of living in Florida

The definition of "rich" in Florida varies on several criteria, one of them being the cost of living. Living in Florida is expensive due to the following reasons:

Housing: Median home cost in Miami is $690,000, which is 153.6% above the national average.  And the average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $3,002, which is also expensive.

Food: Miami has 20% more groceries than the country as a whole.

Transportation: Miami has approximately 8% more expensive petrol and transportation costs than the country as a whole.

Utilities: the electric bills in Miami reach around 200.94 dollars a month—6% above the national average.

A $60,000 annual salary may offer a cushy living in some parts of Florida; in Miami, however, it would be much tougher to get by with such a low salary because of the high cost of living.

How Much Money is Considered Rich?

Although it can be difficult to define "rich" in Florida, the following criteria are important:

  • Top 20%: To be in the top 20% of earners in Florida, you need a household income of around $141,000 or higher.

  • Top 5%: To be in the top 5% of earners, you need a household income of about $250,000 or more.

  • Millionaires: There are an estimated 894,000 millionaire households in Florida, according to a 2023 study by Phoenix Marketing International. That's about 11.4% of all households in the state.

But income is just one part of that equation. Net worth—the sum of savings, investment, and real assets like real estate—has risen in importance as a measure of wealth.

The Wealth Gap in Florida

Note too, that Florida is characterized by massive income inequality and wealth gaps, with deep racial divisions.

Florida is believed to have the 4th smallest gap in the country between white and Black household wealth, according to a 2023 WalletHub study. But there are still substantial disparities. White family median household incomes in Florida are $61,000; for Black families, they fall to $41,000.

Most dramatically, there are large inequalities in wealth among the counties, with 37.2% of households in Collier County receiving $100,000 or more, but 33.1% receiving under $50,000. The Gini index is calculated at 0.5264, making the county the second most unequal in Florida.

What Does This Mean for Miami Residents?

Building wealth is tough with a high cost of living in Miami, even if you might earn a relatively high income. In particular, housing costs can take a big chunk out of your budget.

However, you can do the following action to strengthen your financial situation:

  • Make a budget by keeping track of your expenses and identifying places where you may make savings.

  • Use the 50/30/20 rule to spend; 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings and debt repayments.

  • Boost your income: Look for avenues through which you can escalate your earnings, such as asking for a raise, a side job, or a business. Even small amounts can add up over time.

  • Invest wisely by using retirement accounts—401(k)s and IRAs, while thinking about building your wealth in the long term with low-cost index funds.

  • Debt Management: Pay off any high-interest debt, such as credit card balances. Consider refinancing your student loans or mortgages if you can get them at a lower rate.

  • Look for free or very low-cost services available at the public library, in local parks, or during community events. Use services at their low rates, like using a personable Miami cleaning service instead of a giant, expensive company.

Creating wealth is a time-consuming process and requires discipline, but can be accomplished with a proper strategy. Establishing the cost of living where you reside, creating a financial plan, and taking proactive steps in enhancing your income and reducing expenditure will over time lead you to a more secure financial future—no matter where you stand in the income spectrum.

Affording Cleaning Services on a Budget

For many people, a cleaning service might come off as something only the rich people can afford. However, with a little bit of smart budgeting and some sharp decision-making, one is able to afford cleaning services like Sparkly Maid Miami even without being in the topmost income brackets.

One of these strategies is to consider cleaning services as an integrated monthly utility rather than an occasional treat or splurge. If you have worked at setting aside a small amount of your monthly spending for cleaning, you will always be in a clean and healthy living space rather than an expensive budget.

It is ideal to get a Miami cleaning service with cheap prices and flexible scheduling from the provider. Over time, a regular booking made on a weekly or biweekly basis can result in significant savings from some services.

You also can save on cleaning costs through the strategic selection of services. For example, if you manage to do your laundry and dishwashing every day, you might need thorough cleaning services just sometimes—for example, for floor mopping, surface dusting, or bathroom cleansing.

You can easily have a comfortable and clean home regardless of your economic range by carefully budgeting for cleaning products, shopping around for the best prices, and selecting your services.


In Florida, then, how wealthy would one have to be to claim such a title? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, a household income in the top 20%—$141,000+—or top 5%—$250,000+—would be good.

But income is only one part of the equation. Attaining true wealth involves increasing one's income, saving, investing, and keeping a low cost of living.

In an expensive city like Miami, that can be quite hard. However, being proactive with your money and taking advantage of the opportunities to save, including affordable cleaning services in Miami, can move you more toward those goals and perhaps even to the millionaire ranks in Florida.


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