How Do Hotels Keep Their Showers So Clean?

Owning a bathroom that is clean and hygienic can be important for reasons regarding health and comfort. In cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the toilet is on the top of the cleaning agenda. But one might question, how frequently should one clean his or her toilet to keep it shiny and free from germs? Expert opinions and suggestions were gathered to help you institute the right toilet cleaning routine.

Frequency of Toilet Cleaning

House cleaning experts maintain that the most frequently one can clean their toilet is once a week. This will prevent the buildup of dirt, the growth of grime, and the development of bacteria. But for larger households or those that entertain more visitors, toilets may need cleaning every couple of days.

If you've ever walked into a hotel bathroom and oohed and ahhed at the gleaming shower, then you're not alone. How do they do it? The well-kept showers of hotels make their guests wonder. Well, Sparkly Maid Miami knows how every bathroom deserves to be clean and inviting while blowing the whistle on how hotels truly keep a perfectly kept shower.

Consistent Cleaning Routine

It's because of their seriousness and consistency with a cleaning schedule that hotels can keep showers so clean. You may not have daily housekeeping at home, but just having some kind of regular cleaning schedule can make quite a difference in making your shower sparkle.

Deep Cleaning once a Week

Allow some time weekly for deep cleaning of the shower. Remove all things in the shower and bring out the big guns: an effective cleaning solution that will battle the soap scum, hard water spots, and mildew. And do not forget those little places that get hardly any attention, like inside the shower door tracks and that strip just below the door.

Daily Maintenance

In between deep cleanings, do quick daily maintenance. It is a good idea to wipe down the shower walls and door with a squeegee or a microfiber cloth after every use to help prevent water spots and the buildup of soap. This single simple habit can cut down on having to do intensive cleaning later on.

Effective Cleaning Solutions

Good commercial cleaning products are used by hotels to keep showers clean. Although commercial cleaners may be out of reach for you, you can still achieve good results with the use of appropriate products.

Vinegar and Dish Soap

A very simple but effective solution involves mixing equal parts of white vinegar and dish soap. The acidity cuts through the soap scum, allowing glass doors to shine brightly. Spray this solution onto shower surfaces and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub and rinse thoroughly.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

For tough stains, mix baking soda with water into a paste. Spread the paste on the spotted places and sprinkle with white the fizz that will take a toll on loosening up the grime for easier scrubbing.


In addition to cleaning, hotels utilize some preventative ways to keep their showers in good shape. You can prevent a lot of soap scum and hard water stains from building up on your shower by using the following strategies in your bathroom.

Water Repellent Products

Apply a rain-repelling product to your shower doors and walls. These products put a thin, invisible barrier on the surfaces that water beads up on and rolls off, reducing the chance of water spots or mineral deposits setting in.


Proper ventilation prevents mold and mildew from building up. Opening a window or using the exhaust fan for at least 20 minutes after each use will give it time to dissipate the moisture. If the bathroom does not provide good ventilation, one can fix a dehumidifier that helps in controlling the level of moisture in the room.

Professional Cleaning Service Providers

As much as the mentioned methods can do, to keep your shower clean, it always pays to let the professionals do their job sometimes. This is regarding Sparkly Maid Miami, which has committed itself to giving you the best bathroom cleaning service by ensuring your bathroom stays as spotless as that of a five-star hotel.
A regular bathroom cleaning schedule, combined with the right solution for the job and proactive steps in avoiding buildup, will keep your shower at its best even between cleanings. It takes only a little effort and a guide on the right approach to bring that hotel-like shower experience right to your home.


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How Often Should I Wash My Toilet?